Do You Have A Project We Can Help With?
Advance in Energetic Materials Technology
EMTO was founded in December 2017 to provide high-quality consulting and products in the development of new energetic materials with the focus on environmentally-friendly materials. However, due to our chemical background we also offer a large spectrum of basic chemical services according to your needs. Currently we are developing new replacements for lead and chrome(IV) containing mixtures due to the new REACH regulations.
EMTO GmbH is a start-up from the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich at the department of Chemistry in Munich-Großhadern where the synthetic and analytic work is performed. The research group of Prof. Thomas Klapötke (chair of Inorganic Chemistry) at LMU consists of about 25 co-workers which permanently working on energetic materials. Education in handling of energetic materials is one of the main goals, resulting in highly trained academics for german and international defence companies or organizations.
Managing director Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Klapoetke has 25 years of experience in the field of energetic materials. Do not hesitate and contact him for any kind of problems and questions regarding the „Chemistry of High-Energy Dense Materials“.
Of course EMTO GmbH holds a German permission (Erlaubnisschein §7 SprengG) to work with potential explosive and hazardous materials. Coworkers join the BG Chemie course on explosives to futher deepen their technical knowledge.
Sensitivity Measurements
Precise determination of mechanical sensitivities of new energetic materials or compositions is one of the most important tasks in order to ensure safe handling. Different methods exist worldwide to measure impact and friction sensitivities. In Europe the most prominent methods used are the BAM drop-hammer and friction tester.
We offer the following sensitivity measurments:
- Impact sensitivity on a BAM fallhammer (1 of 6, Probit or Bruceton analysis)
- BAM friction tester (1 of 6, Probit or Bruceton analysis)
- ESD measurements on a OZM X-Spark 10
- Combined mechanical sensitivity on a OZM Ball drop impact tester (BIT-132)
- Steel shell test (Stahlhülsentest / Könen test)
As a Start-Up at the University of Munich we have an access to numerous analytic devices for chemical and pysical characterization of new and old materials. Do not hesitate and contact for example with questions to the following methods:
- Vacuum Stability Test
- Bergmann-Junk
- Karl-Fischer Water Content Titration
- Gas-Pycnometry
- Sensitivity Measurements
- Könen Test
- Microscopy
- IR and Raman spectroscopy
- NMR spectroscopy
- EA and HR-MS
- Powder-Diffraction
- Single Crystal XRD
- many more

Computations and Simulations
GaussView TIFF output
Available Software: GAUSSIAN, EXPLO5, ICT Code, NASA Code, VB2000 and many more …
Find out how your compounds and ideas will behave before spending time with expensive syntheses!
All types of computations and simulations can be performed by well educated scientists or in close collaboartion with LMU theorists.

From Mikrogram to Kilogram … from Lead Azide to Octogen
We accompany you in the development of new synthetic protocols as well as in upscale processes of selected target compounds … not only energetic ones.
Although we prefer to work in small scales (<5g) or with our MicroFlow reactor, we are also equipped with a 5L reactor which is temperature controlled by a process thermostat.
Are you interested in an energetic or non-energetic chemical compound? We try our best to provide you with a ultra-pure sample in a short period of time. Our long-term experience especially in high-nitrogen tetrazole derivatives helps to ensure safe and economic synthesis protocols.
Examples are: trinitrophenols (picrates, styphnates, …), metal (KN3, RbN3, CsN3, …) and organic azides, triazoles and tetrazoles, nitramines (RDX, HMX, CL-20, …) , peroxides, nitrato derivatives (PETN, NG, NENAs

Research Projects
Synthetic and analytic based research projecs can be carried out as classical R&D contracts or within a short term research project or longer-term master and PhD thesis.
Highly motivated coworkers and students are waiting for your questions in order to find solutions for industrial purposes.